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Home / Projects / BSHD DisAbility Workshop 2016

BSHD DisAbility Workshop 2016

The Mental Health Workshop aimed to address the complexities of mental illnesses and intellectual disabilities, exploring societal attitudes and government policies in Botswana and across Africa.

Mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia and depression, were examined alongside intellectual disabilities, highlighting the need for better understanding and support systems. Traditional beliefs often led to stigmatization, despite efforts by the government to provide care and treatment.

The workshop aimed to:

– Define mental illness from both Western and African perspectives

– Discuss various causes and forms of mental health issues

– Differentiate between mental illnesses and intellectual disabilities

– Explore coping strategies and assessment tools

– Examine societal reactions and affected demographics

– Review available treatments and legal frameworks

– Provide guidance on interacting with individuals with mental illness and intellectual disabilities.

It targeted parents, educators, health professionals, and the broader community, the workshop featured speakers from diverse backgrounds, including mental health professionals, government representatives, educators, and parents of affected individuals. Their insights contributed to a comprehensive understanding of mental health challenges and the need for inclusive support systems.

Projects in pictures

Sharon Tshipa