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”Feed Khutse” Project

BSHD NGO donates to 16 families in Kaudwane village

Khutse, April 10 (BSHD NGO) – The Botswana Society for Human Development (BSHD) NGO has donated bags of clothes to 16 families resident of the Kaudwane – Khutse – Village.

“We are extremely delighted to be here. All we wanted to do as an NGO was to share the little we had. While doing that, we wanted to mingle with the community itself, to find out what they want and to consider if its something we can assist with or avail in the near future. We want to witness and experience the day to day life of Kaudwane residents,” said Sharon Tshipa, Chairperson, Botswana Society for Human Development (BSHD) NGO speaking during the meet and greet which was organised by Tshepo Tsito, Education Officer, Leopard Ecology and Conservation (LEC).

Tshipa expressed her NGO’s desire to form friendships with the locals and their leaders, with the belief that such ties would translate to more initiatives like the ‘Feed Khutse’ donation campaign, and the clothing and file donations such as this one, that had seen BSHD NGO members embark on a four hour journey in the wee hours of the morning to do what they love – humanitarian aid – amongst others.We honestly could have not done this without the invaluable assistance of Tsito who connected us and took care of the necessary logistics that needed to be taken care of here in Kaudwane in our absentia. We feel honored and very welcome,” said Tshipa thanking Tsito for roping the village Kgosi and the VDC leadership on board for the successful identification of recipients and the consequent smooth distribution of donations packages.

Families that benefited from this initiative where the Maningi family, Israel’s family, Nxaegen, Taylor, Kebatshabile’s family, Lijwe’s family, Xaa’s family, Khudu’s family, Engen ratau, Dira’s family, Leshele Tau, Setete Moloreng, Lekgowa’s family, Thule’s family and Selelo’s family. These families consistent of at least five to ten family members.

“Khutse, Kaudwane…there is a great need here, emanating from a great lack. We have some of the young people working as trackers, tour guides, village management and in the government poverty eradication program, but there isn’t much. The need is still there, poverty is still rampant. The government has built houses for the poorest members of the community, my organisation also has done lots in this regard, but as you can see more needs to be done to alleviate poverty,” said Tsito expressing the very words of the village Kgosi and VDC elders who had graced donation event. They encouraged young people to do what they can to help their fellow young people. To be compassionate as the Vision 2016 Pillars encourage.

“This is definitely not our last visit, we definitely plan on coming back. We could have brought more but could only bring what our transport could carry,” said Tshipa. Not only did the NGO donate loads of clothes, food and files but they did some community work at the Kaudwane Primary school, whereat they did gardening work for the school’s vegetable beds.

Members of the NGO that partook in this journey were Ann Moatshe, Pearl Mokgatlhane, Onkarabile Nato, Unaludo Masalila and Ann Viot.

The Khutse, Kaudwane donation weekend was made possible by sponsors like Ba Isago University who sponsored the journey with a 4×4 vehicle and Engen who ensured there car had all the diesel it needed for the journey.

Projects in pictures

Sharon Tshipa