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Wall-E Inspired Dance for Life Show.

On March 31st, 2017, Botswana Society for Human Development (BSHD) NGO and ChildLine Botswana will host a Wall-E Inspired Dance for Life Show. The dance for is main purpose is to give Childline children an opportunity to showcase their dance skills in front of an audience. The effort is meant to boost their self esteem, while also raising funds for Childline.

In June 2016, BSHD NGO launched a dance initiative, teaching children at Childline ballet and contemporary dance. This was due to the fact that children at the orphanage did not have the opportunity to explore other activities after school.

Due to these dance lessons, the children have since been exposed to another way of expressing themselves. Taking dance lessons every week allows them to control their body language, also ensuring they stay fit. BSHD NGO also sees this as one way of helping children forget their painful past. It’s been nine months since the initiative was launched, and the children are now able to dance fluidly. Hence the decision to put together a fundraising dance show, raising funds for the orphanage to keep nurturing the kids. Childline and BSHD NGO also believe that a platform to be applauded for their dance will give children more self-confidence.

The Story Behind The Dance Chorreography It is inspired by WALL-E, the movie; in 2805, Earth is abandoned and largely contaminated with garbage, with its people evacuated by mega corporation Buy-N-Large on giant star liners. BnL has left behind WALL-E robot trash compactors to clean up. One day, WALL-E discovers a healthy seedling, which he returns to his home. Later, an unmanned spaceship lands and deploys an EVE probe to scan the planet. WALL-E is infatuated with EVE, who is initially hostile but gradually befriends him. When WALL-E brings EVE to his trailer and shows her the plant, however, she suddenly takes the plant and goes into standby mode. WALL-E, confused, unsuccessfully tries to reactivate her. The ship then returns to collect EVE, and with WALL-E clinging on, returns to its mother ship, the star liner Axiom.

The Axiom‘s passengers have become obese and feeble due to micro-gravity and reliance on an automated lifestyle, including the ship’s current captain, McCrea, who leaves the ship under the control of the robotic autopilot, AUTO. But AUTO doesn’t want to go back to the earth and manage to loose the green plant. With the plant missing, EVE is deemed faulty and taken to Diagnostics. WALL-E success to release EVE. They find the plant and celebrate this with a dance in space around the Axiom.

EVE brings the plant back to McCrea, who watches EVE’s recordings of Earth and concludes that they must return. Having arrived back on Earth, EVE repairs and reactivates WALL-E, but finds that his memory has been reset and his personality is gone. Heartbroken, EVE gives WALL-E a farewell kiss, which sparks his memory back to life. WALL-E and EVE reunite as the humans and robots of the Axiom begin to restore Earth and its environment.

The Dance for Life Show

The children have watched the movie, courtesy of BSHD NGO. Hence they will create the decoration of the show: earth, moon, green plant, box, etc. For the different dances that will be showcased. The children also contributed movements to the choreography, creating their own style which they will showcase during the event. The children hence are full actors of this The event will last an hour and half. The Wall-E Dance for Life show will take 45 minutes. There will be a 15 minutes break. 30 minutes will be reserved for two other performances by local musicians and dancers.

The Audience

Extended family members of these children will be invited to the show, and so will the alumni children. For these, it will be free. All other people who will attend pay a cover charger or entrance fee of P50 minimum (extra donations are welcome). The plan is to have an audience of at least 150 people.

Projects in pictures

Sharon Tshipa